Sunday, July 31, 2005

flinging and simplifying

I’ve been trying to simplify life lately! I want more creative time, more family time, gardening time, aviary time. I realized how much time I spend on the computer, trying to keep up with yahoo group posts. The time I spend on the computer, I want to be either corresponding with friends and family, or designing. So I have started paring down my membership in so many discussion groups. When I started taking inventory of my memberships, I realized that I belonged to 40 various discussion groups ~everything from quilting, knitting, designing to Sims2 to PSP to FrontPage and web development support groups! I went no email on several that I might want to go back to the archives and read later. Others, I just deleted completely. Soooo… onto more time for quality time with family, designing, and pets!

I also spent some time Friday sorting through my knitting/crochet basket and yarn stash. No more new projects for me until some of these wip’s (works in progress) are complete. The bright note here is that I have several Christmas presents almost finished! I’ll post pictures later as each one is finished.

That’s all for today! Thanks for visiting my blog! Come again very soon!

Hugs & Smiles,

Leigh Anne Haygood

Patchwork Parrot

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