Sunday, July 31, 2005

flinging and simplifying

I’ve been trying to simplify life lately! I want more creative time, more family time, gardening time, aviary time. I realized how much time I spend on the computer, trying to keep up with yahoo group posts. The time I spend on the computer, I want to be either corresponding with friends and family, or designing. So I have started paring down my membership in so many discussion groups. When I started taking inventory of my memberships, I realized that I belonged to 40 various discussion groups ~everything from quilting, knitting, designing to Sims2 to PSP to FrontPage and web development support groups! I went no email on several that I might want to go back to the archives and read later. Others, I just deleted completely. Soooo… onto more time for quality time with family, designing, and pets!

I also spent some time Friday sorting through my knitting/crochet basket and yarn stash. No more new projects for me until some of these wip’s (works in progress) are complete. The bright note here is that I have several Christmas presents almost finished! I’ll post pictures later as each one is finished.

That’s all for today! Thanks for visiting my blog! Come again very soon!

Hugs & Smiles,

Leigh Anne Haygood

Patchwork Parrot

Wednesday, July 27, 2005

good discipline

It is amazing to me how fast my days go lately! I’m trying to form the habit to do my blogging and some other writing, as well as my design work in the morning hours. However, I’m just getting to the blog and it is late afternoon!

I worked on a couple of patterns today, one in the drafting stage and one in the instruction writing stage. Then progressed onto working on the website work for a while.

I started a baby sock this morning with my coffee for our soon to arrive granddaughter, Madison. It is so tiny and pink! I’m using double point needles for the first time. These are pretty awkward at first but I’ve casted on the stitches and have done my first two rounds on the sock. My other sock (being worked on circular needles) had several dropped stitches in it so I performed the dreaded frog stitch on it and took out about 5 rows this morning. Now to put that sock back on the circ needles and proceed onto the toe! I hate frog stitches!

I need to get a new battery for my camera so I can post pictures in my blog. It makes it so much more interesting when there are pictures going along with the writing.

Last night I went to my cake decorating class! Oh, my, another outlet for my creativity! We learned to make little icing clowns. My clowns, shells, and drop flowers are great; however, my roses look like I feel in this humidity we are having in Georgia. They were wilted and that is being kind!

Back to the grindstone for a while then to Revival tonight! Have a great evening!

Hugs & Smiles,

Leigh Anne Haygood

Patchwork Parrot

Friday, July 22, 2005

New beginnings

I know that sometimes, I seem flighty even to myself.  Truthfully, I’m not flighty, I’m overstretched and have been stressed to the point of complete shutdown for a while now.  I’ve realized that my focus must be on God and family first.  The creative side will emerge naturally when the stress is reduced.  The many facets in my life have been family, church, quilt shop, online quilt shop, pattern design, bird breeder, baker, event coordinator, teacher, wife, mother, and grandmother.  Too many hats for two people, much less one person! 


I've been doing a Bible study that deals with stress. I think mostly I tend take on too many projects, thus becoming overwhelmed, then immobilized.  After much debate with my husband, prayer, and arguing with self, I’ve decided to start reducing the retail business until it is closed.  The designing side of my business is so much more fulfilling than just selling supplies.  I love to teach, speak to groups and write.  My parrots, garden, and family are my daily inspiration.  I’m finding that packing orders and updating the retail site are not rewarding to me.  The website will remain open but will be changing as the stock decreases.  This is a major step for me.  I’ve been struggling for years to be all to everyone.  I can’t.  I’m only one small person.  I’ve begun to think that the shop is one of life’s roadblocks or detours.  It has been good at times, but seems to cause stress and friction more times than not. 


Hugs & Smiles,

Leigh Anne Haygood

Patchwork Parrot