Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Have you ever just had “the can’t help-its?”  My grandmother (I think) coined this term when we grandkids just couldn’t stick with any activity and just kind of floated around the house.  Mind you, I believe this is the same type of behavior my grands exhibit when they state, “I’m bored.”  I learned early not to say out loud that I was bored!  My daddy had a treatment for boredom that one never wanted!  He would find some task or chore around the house or barn for the bored kid to complete!  Anyway, that has been my attitude this morning.  I have a TUIT list as long as my arm but to settle into doing the weekly chores and crossing off those tuit list tasks has just not happened this morning.  I don’t want to tackle that list so much that I’m now blogging about the “can’t help-its”.  Pretty bad, huh? 

I’ve been at odds with myself the last couple weeks because God has been moving me around again.  I was settling into a new job and it ended very abruptly.  I will say if one considers that not accepting a pastorship of a church due to conflicting doctrinal beliefs, then this termination is all my fault. In my defense, when I accepted the administrator’s position, the employers were asked if the church and the assisted living positions were connected.  I was assured a couple times that the two jobs were totally separate; however within about an hour of declining the pastorship, I was dismissed from my administrator’s position for this reason: “based on the lack of mutual agreement as to the terms of employment”.  Keep in mind, I had been working there full-time for a month prior.  One would have thought two full pay-periods collected would have been mutual agreement as to the terms of employment, but alas, in an At-will state, that is not the case.  Sorry for the expose’ but wanted to explain why I, who am never bored or have the “can’t help-its”, am at odds just a bit.   

So…. It appears that God is moving me around again, so I have more time to work on this blog, my writing, and more motivational speaking.  When God closes one door, He always has another one ready to open. 
This past weekend, Steve and I went bumming around and found the cutest little antique/craft mall with a tea room in the front entrance.  It never ceases to amaze me where one might find creative inspiration!  I haven’t been in the creative mode in quite a while but after browsing through the booths, the creative juices started to flow and my sense of Entrepreneurship rose!  I saw some wonderful pieces that just inspired me to no end and I plan to take inspiration from my adventure this weekend and open up my Esty store!  I have been a member with the idea of the Etsy store for years, but have never even put the first item in it.  Time is coming!

This is an extra little post for me this week.  I’ll post a more serious post later this week with the essential oil and herb introduction in it!  If you decide you want to explore some on your own with essential oils, please visit DoTerra Essential Oil website: http://www.mydoterra.com/leighannehaygood/essentialDefinition.html

After writing, I did manage to do some laundry, knitting, and gave one of the dogs a much needed haircut!  Maybe Daddy's treatment for boredom works for the "can't help its" too!  Till next time...,

Hugs & Smiles!
                                                                      Leigh Anne

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